Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy 2009 to everyone!

Boston for the Holidays was fun. We had about as much snow - OK, maybe less - than in WI and the temperatures were pretty low - OK, not as low as in WI. I can't complain.

I think some things you'd like to hear about Bostonians in the snow are that first, they don't drive as well as WI drivers. You'd think that being from New England and used to the snow would make them good drivers. Wrong! And they admit it too. They say here that you don't know how to drive in the snow unless you're from Vermont. Second, they don't clean the streets as well as in Milwaukee - main roads are OK. Small residential roads and sidewalks are pretty bad. It makes it hard to walk around. And third, they think it's really cold when it's 24 degrees.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Boston warmth

So I made it in one piece to Massachusetts! The trip took 20 hours total (18 hours in the car and 2 hours worth of stops). Here are some of the memorable events from the trip:

- beating the snow storm falling on Milwaukee by 1 hour - it followed me until Chicago but it never snowed on the road.
- paying $5 to enter Indiana and paying $6.75 to leave Indiana - expensive State!
- being surrounded by trucks all the way to MA with only a few handful of cars here and there.
- 40 to 45 degree weather the entire time (no snow - a little rain sometimes).
- 3 letters... GPS!
- 2 adorable cats who did not say 1 word in the car for 20 hours - walking freely back and forth from the front to the back of the car and sleeping on my lap.
- driving at night from mid-Indiana to the end of NY State.
-arriving in MA as the sun rises in front of me - beautiful hills in the sunrise (who knew MA had hills!)

I live in the area of Boston called the South End. It is a vibrant area filled with restaurants, shops, bars and people. It is known for its brownstone homes and red bricks - it is very pretty, especially with Christmas lights.

The weather has been very nice compared to what I see in the news about Wisconsin. As I am writing, it is 62 degrees outside. I did not know the winters were so mild on the East Coast. I wonder if it is an exceptional year. Massachusetts has been under a state of emergency since last week due to 2 or 3 inches of ice falling overnight. Those of you in WI will laugh at this but it is a serious matter here and people are not used to it.

Here are some pictures of my neighborhood and those traveling cats.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

From sun to snow in 3 hours or less

I'm back from ATA and had a great and exhausting 4 days! I learned so much my head is still spinning and I was able to meet so many wonderful translators from all over the world. I'll have pictures (mainly of my ATA partner-in-crime Andris) soon!

I never was able to leave the hotel much, but it was delightful to see people outside in shorts and short sleeve shirts! I have to say that it was a bit of a shock to go from 81 degrees at 5 pm and be greeted by flurries and 34 just a few hours later :-) But, I figured the best way to become acclimated to November in Wisconsin was to get on my trusty bike...and I did the very next morning.

To my surprise the temperature was....

prepare yourselves

'cause I never thought I'd see it


You know, it wasn't that bad. Please stop looking at me like I'm crazy.

Since then, I bought better gloves and something to put over my mouth and nose (it's the wind more than anything). Who knows how far this will go!

Monday, November 3, 2008

We're a very scary bunch

Iverson's very own Mistress of Halloween (aka Jordan) orchestrated one heckuva a Halloween bash on Wednesday replete with treat boxes and staff in costumes!

From l to r:
A very military Andris, Perfect Cheer Terra, Clara Palin, Jordan the Post-It Note, Childlike Empress Megan, and the winner of the costume contest...
Lydia (from Beetlejuice), aka Amy
Jordan went above and beyond the call of duty by whipping up most of the ghoulish treats. Thanks for a wickedly good sugar buzz!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've hit a new low!

37 this morning and, you know what? it wasn't that bad. Well, compared to yesterday's 39 but a stiff wind, it seemed pretty ok...relatively speaking!

My fingers are still a bit cold and I can't type too well yet so off I go to make some good, hot tea! Oh, but what I wouldn't do for a roaring fire in the fireplace right about now - I guess my desk light will have to do :-)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Like grim death...

Well, now, this morning's weather certainly got my blood moving! According to my trusty bike odo-/thermometer, it was 40 degrees this morning. Hélène's car thermometer read 38...I'm clinging to those 2 measely degrees like grim death!

Even though she looked like I was stark raving, I told her it really wasn't that bad. The wind (out of the NW) was chilly for sure, but it was at our backs this morning (you really don't want to know how early) and, by the time I was headed north, the sun had risen and warming me up nicely. Plus, I had on my handknits to keep me warm: Anne-created socks, mittens, and sweater!

I tell you, I've never watched the Weather Channel more intently in my life! I'm trying very hard to make it to November...maybe if I stop watching the weather and cycle in blissful ignorance, I may make it!

Monday, October 20, 2008

New Digs!

Megan, Sarah, Dave and I moved into our new spots last Thursday and just loving it!

With the natives:

I'm going to have to host a Cube Warming Party so watch for the date soon! In the meantime, be sure to stop by and check out the Resource Group's new home!